Course curriculum

    1. Introduction to electroacupuncture

    2. Introduction to electroacupuncture

    3. Introduction to EA units for the management of MSK disorders

    4. How to use an EA device

    5. Introduction to the healing process

    6. Electroacupuncture to optimise wound healing

    7. Effects of electroacupuncture in the management of inflammation

    8. Electroacupuncture in the management of fractures and bone healing

    9. Effects of electroacupuncture in the management of fractures and bone healing

    1. Electroacupuncture in the management of tendinopathies

    2. Dry Needling and Acupuncture for Achilles Tendonopathy

    3. Electroacupuncture to optimise tendon healing

    1. Electroacupuncture for the management of OA knee pain

    1. Case study: Treatment of non-union fracture of the 5th metatarsal with EA and MA

    2. Case study EA in the management of stress fracture of the styloid process

    3. Application of electroacupuncture for chronic heel pain

About this course

  • £49.00
  • 16 lessons
  • 2 hours of video content


5 star rating

5 stars

Godfrey Sapiano

5 stars

5 stars

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5 star rating


Mick Smirthwaite

A cracking course learnt a shed load of information, and most of all how to use Electroacupuncture device. Already had some good results. Steve explains ever...

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A cracking course learnt a shed load of information, and most of all how to use Electroacupuncture device. Already had some good results. Steve explains everything in easy to use terminology. Thoroughly recommend this online course

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Course outline

Learning Outcomes:

On completion of the electroacupuncture you will be able to;

  1. Compare and contrast manual and electro-acupuncture and select the optimal settings for pain management, reduction of swelling, and to enhance muscle relaxation. 
  2. Have an evidence-based knowledge of the most effective frequency for soft tissue and bone repair
  3. Have an evidence based knowledge of the effect of the anode (-) and cathode (+) on the physiology of wound healing.
  4. Explain the basic physiological and cellular effects of electroacupuncture in bone and tissue healing.

On the course you will learn how electroacupuncture can be used to address specific aspects of pain and wound healing by selecting appropriate frequencies and polarities (+ or -).

The electroacupuncture course will take you through each phase of the healing process before developing your understanding of how electro and manual acupuncture may reduce the inflammatory phase, and enhance the proliferative and remoulding phase of wound healing. You will develop an understanding of the benefits of placing the anode (+) or the cathode (-) electrodes around the wound to enhance the migration of lymphocytes, neutrophils, macrophages, fibroblast, and epithelial cells to the site of injury to improve wound closure and the repair process.  

Achilles tendonopathy

Achilles tendinopathies are the most common tendon lesion seen in sports but it can also be seen in non athletic individuals. On the electroacupuncture  course you will develop acupuncture techniques to improve circulation and  laying down of type I collagen to enhance tensile strength and the repair of tendinopathies.  

Stress fractures

Non-union stress fractures are common conditions affecting the foot and ankle. On this course you will develop your skills in the use of electroacupuncture to acceleration bone repair whether it is following trauma from surgery or fracture.

Peripheral neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy can arise following chemotherapy, alcoholism, diabetes, and other neurological disorders. You will learn how to effectively use manual and electroacupuncture to treat peripheral neuropathy. 


Dates and location;

5th October 2019 Edinburg (please note that the Edinburg course will be starting early afternoon).

7th December 2019 Nottingham




Introduction to the application of electroacupuncture

  • EA in the management of soft tissue repair
  • EA in the management of the Achilles and patellofemoral tendonopathies
  • Practical session: 
11.00hrs Tea Break


EA in the management of neurological disorders

  • Peripheral neuropathy
  • Restless leg syndrome
  • Practical session:
12.30hrs Lunch


EA in the management of fractures 

  • Foot 
  • Ankle
  • Shin
  • Heel pain
14.15hrs Tea Break


EA in the management of OA knees and back

  • Practical session: 

15.30hrs - 16.00hrs


Target Group 

The electroacupuncture course is suitable for HCPC registered physiotherapists, podiatrists, osteopaths, chiropractors, and registered healthcare professionals and sports therapists.  You must have completed a recognised dry needling or medical acupuncture course.

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Enhance your knowledge and clinical skills in electroacupuncture

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