How to treat common foot disorders with acupuncture
The 5 lessons will allow you to advance your clinical skills and knowledge in the use of acupuncture in the management of common painful disorders affecting the foot.
Live interactive zoom meetings
Treatment of non-union fracture of the fifth metatarsal with electroacupuncture and manual acupuncture AACP Spring 2019
Acupuncture in the management of the 5th metatarsal
Introduction and aetiology of cuboid syndrome
Pathomechanics of cuboid syndrome
Symptoms and diagnosis of cuboid syndrome
Assessment of the cuboid
Differential diagnosis and treatment of cuboid syndrome
Soft tissue massage in the management of cuboid syndrome
Mobilisation techniques of the cuboid
Mobilisation of the cuboid part 1
Joint mobilisation of the cuboid part 2
Cuboid syndrome case studies
Cuboid syndrome: Acupuncture point selection
How to apply acupuncture in the management of cuboid syndrome
Epidemiology, symptoms and functunction of the intrinsic foot muscles
Assessment and diagnosis of plantar fasciitis
Examination of the intrinsic muscle and heel part 1
Examination of the intrinsic foot muscles part 2
Assessment of the back to determine referred pain to the heel
Acupuncture in the management of heel pain
Massage and ischenic compression in the management of heel pain
Manual acupuncture in the management of heel pain
Heel pain foot stretching and strengthening exercises
Assessment and diagnosis of hallux limitus
Hallux limitus and periosteal pecking
Acupuncture in the management of gout
Acupuncture and trigger points selection in the management of the hallux
Soft tissue massage and acupuncture in the management of the hallux limitus
Assessment, diagnosis and treatment of metatarsalgia (pre dislocation syndrome) with acupuncture
Predislocation syndrome case study (Podiatry Now)
Don't worry if you are unable to attend any of these dates, the lectures will be recorded and available to view after the event.
If you subscribe to the CPD in medical acupuncture, sports and exercise medicine or the podiatric acupuncture academy the cost for all 5 sessions is free just login to your dashboard and click on to the zoom link on the required time and date of the lesson.
Fees for non-subscribers is £90 for all 5 sessions.
Approximately one in five people report foot pain, aching or stiffness, with a higher prevalence observed in females, those aged 50 years and over and those classified as obese. These five live online sessions will focus on the use of acupuncture in the management of MSK foot pain induced by over activity. The sessions will develop your understanding of how to adjust your acupuncture point selection to target bone healing, reduces muscle spasms, enhance soft tissue healing, improve muscle strength of the intrinsic foot muscles and reduce swelling and inflammation.
1. Acupuncture in the management of metatarsalgia (predislocation syndrome); Tuesday 8th June 2021, 8pm
Steve Bailey, Podiatrist, physiotherapist and acupuncturist:
Predislocation syndrome is typically described as a progressive, painful dorsal subluxation of the proximal phalangeal base on the metatarsal head. It is a result of idiopathic inflammation and weakening of the periarticular structures, in particular the plantar plate that stabilises the lesser metatarsophalangeal (MTP) joints and is a common cause of metatarsalgia that is frequently unrecognised or misdiagnosed. In this lesson you will develop an understanding of the underlying cause of predislocation syndrome and how to effectively treat it with acupuncture, exercise, joint and soft tissue mobilisation.
2. Acupuncture in the management of cuboid syndrome; Tuesday 15th June 2021, 8pm
Steve Bailey, Podiatrist, physiotherapist and acupuncturist
Cuboid syndrome is a term that loosely describes pain in the lateral aspect of the midfoot which, is suggested to be caused by disruption of the congruency of the calcaneo-cuboid joint. Symptoms can arise following sudden traumatic overload such as lateral ankle sprain, or repetitive overuse (running on a camber). In this lesson you will develop an understanding of the nature of cuboid syndrome and how to use acupuncture and acupressure to manage myofascial pain, swelling, muscle spasm, and how to restore joint mobility and proprioception.
3. Acupuncture in the management of heel pain; Tuesday 22nd June 2021, 8pm
Steve Bailey, Podiatrist, physiotherapist and acupuncturist
Heel pain is an umbrella term that covers a number of conditions of similar origin. I treat several cases of heel pain on a daily basis including plantar fasciitis, bruising of the calcaneum, fat pad atrophy, Sever’s disease, and referred pain from the low back. In this lesson you will build on your knowledge and understanding of the nature of heel pain and how to effectively treat a range of painful conditions affecting the heel and modify your acupuncture point selection based on the nature of heel pain.
4. Acupuncture in the management of the hallux; Tuesday 13th July 2021, 8pm
Steve Bailey, Podiatrist, physiotherapist and acupuncturist
Degenerative, post-operative, gout and functional disorders are common cause of hallux pain and dysfunction. During this lesson you will advance your knowledge and understanding of how to restore muscle strength, joint stability, reduce inflammation and gout, and aid recovery following trauma or disfunction of the hallux with the use of acupuncture.
5. Acupuncture in the management of stress fracture of the 5th metatarsal; Tuesday 20th July 2021, 8pm
Steve Bailey, Podiatrist, physiotherapist and acupuncturist
Fracture of the fifth metatarsal occur more frequently than any other metatarsal fracture and is the most common fracture of the foot. If it is not treated correctly, it can develop complications leading to delayed, non- union, refracture and soft tissue complications. In this lesson you will learn how to accelerate bone healing with the use of manual and electroacupuncture. Case studies will be presented to develop your understanding in the effective use of acupuncture in the management of non-union fracture of the fifth metatarsal.