Course curriculum

    1. Introduction how to treat hay fever symptoms

    2. Prevalence, diagnosis and symptoms of hay fever (allergic rhinitis)

    3. Assessment 1

    1. Prevention and medication in the treatment of hay fever (allergic rhinitis)

    2. Assessment 2

    1. Evidence to support the use of acupressure and acupuncture in the treatment of hay fever symptoms

    2. What acupoints are effective for hay fever symptom relief

    3. Assessment 3

    1. Self acupressure to get rid of hay fever symptoms

About this course

  • £9.99
  • 9 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

Course description

Hay fever falls under the umbrella of allergic rhinitis (seasonal allergic rhinitis) and will affect people at different times of the year depending on which type of plant they are allergic to. I suffer from hay fever which I developed when I turned forty years of age I treat my hay fever symptoms at home with self-acupressure. The patients that I see in my clinic with hay fever generally come for acupuncture and as part of their treatment I show them how to apply self-acupressure to strong points so that they can relieve their hay fever symptoms them self.  This online course will show you how to effectively treat yourself or family members  with self-acupressure. You will learn how to locate and stimulate acupressure points for hay fever and how to employ preventative measure to reduce the symptoms of hay fever.