Course curriculum

    1. Lower limb biomechanics module

    1. Theories in lower limb biomechanics introduction, aim and objectives

    2. Subtalar joint neutral theory

    3. Sagittal plane facilitation theory

    4. Introduction aim and objective to Part 2 therories in lower limb biomechanics

    5. Tissue stress theory

    6. Windlass mechanism theory

    7. Unifying theory

    8. Theories in lower limb biomechanics survey

    1. Introduction, aim and objectives of lower limb alignment and associated injuries

    2. Pronation is it a diagnostic term?

    3. Introduction to foot types and mode of compensation

    4. Rearfoot varus, mode of compensation and treatment

    5. Basic understanding of rearfoot varus

    6. Pronounced rearfoot varus

    7. Forefoot varus, mode of compensation and treatment

    8. Basic understanding of a forefoot varus

    9. Forefoot varus compensation around the longitudinal axis

    10. Forefoot varus with a mild-moderately high midtarsal joint oblique axis

    11. Forefoot valgus, mode of compensation and treatment

    12. Basic understanding of forefoot valgus

    13. Forefoot valgus from a plantar flexed first ray

    14. Limb length discrepency, mode of compensation and treatment

    15. Compensated limb length discrepancy

    16. Ankle equinus, mode of compensation and treatment

    17. Basic understanding of ankle equinous

    18. First ray, mode of compensation and treatment

    19. Basic understanding of plantar flexed first ray

    20. Plantarflexed first ray deformity following injury

    21. Observation of foot types and mode of compensation

    22. Lower limb alignment and associated injuries assessment

    1. Torque conversion of the STJ

    2. Function of the talus during closed kinetic chain motion

    3. Effect of subtalar joint axis on lower limb function

    1. Effect of muscle function on joint axis

    2. Function of the tibialis posterior during gait

    3. Function of the tibialis anterior during gait

    4. Function of the perineal longs and brevis during gait

    5. Function of the gastrocnemius and soleus during gait

    6. Function of the flexor digitorum and hallucis during gait

    7. Muscle control of the rearfoot during gait

    8. Function of the intrinsic foot muscles and plantar fascia during gait

    9. Intrinsic and extrinsic muscle function of the lower limb assessment

    1. How to find STJ neutral position

    2. Assessment of ankle joint dorsiflexion ROM

    3. Basic foot assessment

About this course

  • Register today
  • 55 lessons
  • 5 hours of video content

Enhance your understanding in gait analysis and orthotic management

One to one training available

The lower limb biomechanics course is evidence based and designed to be an informative CPD update for MSK practitioners, whist also meeting the needs of less experienced practitioners wanting to working in the field of biomechanics.

What will I learn?

Learning Outcomes:
On completion of the lower limb biomechanics course you will: 

  • Have knowledge of the validity and reliability of the most common used theories (STJ neutral, Tissue stress, Windlass mechanism, and Sagittal plane facilitation) in podiatric biomechanics 
  • Understand the implications of the efficiency in the use of common theories in the assessment and orthotic management of lower limb disorders. 
  • Understand the importance of a dynamic assessment of the lower limb 
  • Understand the importance of muscle function and an integrated approach in the assessment of the lower limb. 
  • Understand the term ‘pronation’, as a symptom or the end product of a variety of lower limb alignments rather than a diagnosis. 
  • Understand the function of the foot and how it may lead to a range of lower limb and back disorders. 
  • Have knowledge of clinical symptoms associated with specific lower limb alignments. 
  •  Have knowledge of appropriate correction with in the orthotic to address each foot type.
  • Knowledge and understanding of the effects of different orthotic material density on foot function. 
  • Understanding of the choice of material for optimum function of the orthotics.
  • Understanding of the appropriate posting for optimum correction.
  • Understanding of the effect of orthotics on frontal and transverse plan motion.
  • Knowledge and understanding of the modification of orthotics to allow the first ray and MTPj to function optimally. 

Embark on a journey to enhance your clinical knowledge and skills in lower limb biomechanics and orthotic management

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5 star rating

Lower limb biomechanics online course

Benjamin Wondra

This class was very helpful in supplementing my understanding of biomechanics of the lower limb

This class was very helpful in supplementing my understanding of biomechanics of the lower limb

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